Suggestions for topics in a public talk about art and mathematics [closed]

Solution 1:

I also can't resist mentioning Kaplan and Bosch's work using the traveling salesman problem to reproduce famous artworks; i.e., TSP art. See these links:

For example, this reproduction of the Mona Lisa is actually a solution to a traveling salesman problem. There's a single path that creates the image.

Mona Lisa

Solution 2:

The influence of the 4th dimension on art. Duchamp is an obvious example. Art historian Linda Henderson believes that Picasso was 4-dimensionally influenced as does Tony Robbin who clearly and unabashedly is. Tony's work influenced me to draw a bunch of stuff at my website, and these drawings are directly influencing some of the mathematics that I am doing. In addition, you might want to mention Carlos Seguin (sic?) and of course, George Hart. His daughter Vi Hart has been in the news recently.

The problem is not that there is a lack of material, but there is too much. Many great and serious artists are influenced by us, and as I indicated above some of us are influenced by them. You should also look at the work of Radmila Sazdonovic and Slavan Jablan for example.