coffeescript multiline strings compile into multiline strings

Try using the heredoc syntax:

myString = """
to life
the universe
and everything

This converts to this javascript:

var myString;

myString = "answer\nto life\nthe universe\nand everything\nis\n" + (40 + 2);

There's not really any point to make it actually be on newlines in the compiled javascript visually, is there?

I agree it is nice to be able to keep your indentation when defining long strings. You can use string addition for this effect in coffeescript just like you can in javascript:

myVeryLongString = 'I can only fit fifty-nine characters into this string ' +
                   'without exceeding eighty characters on the line, so I use ' +
                   'string addition to make it a little nicer looking.'

evaluates to

'I can only fit fifty-nine characters into this string without exceeding eighty characters, so I use string addition to make it a little nicer looking.'