Declare and Initialize String Array in VBA

Try this:

Dim myarray As Variant
myarray = Array("Cat", "Dog", "Rabbit")

In the specific case of a String array you could initialize the array using the Split Function as it returns a String array rather than a Variant array:

Dim arrWsNames() As String
arrWsNames = Split("Value1,Value2,Value3", ",")

This allows you to avoid using the Variant data type and preserve the desired type for arrWsNames.

The problem here is that the length of your array is undefined, and this confuses VBA if the array is explicitly defined as a string. Variants, however, seem to be able to resize as needed (because they hog a bunch of memory, and people generally avoid them for a bunch of reasons).

The following code works just fine, but it's a bit manual compared to some of the other languages out there:

Dim SomeArray(3) As String

SomeArray(0) = "Zero"
SomeArray(1) = "One"
SomeArray(2) = "Two"
SomeArray(3) = "Three"