What has been removed from the Austrian "low violence" version of South Park - Stick of Truth?

Solution 1:

You can find a video of the 7 scenes that have been cut here. It's for Europe so I'm not sure it also applies to Austria.

enter image description here Image found in this article.

According to this article Germany and Austria probably share the same censorship. The game includes swastikas, which is a "symbol of an unconstitutional organization" in these countries.

South Park: The Stick of Truth has been delayed in Austria and Germany because developer Obsidian Entertainment's role-playing game includes swastikas, which is a "symbol of an unconstitutional organization," a representative from Ubisoft confirmed to Polygon today.

If you stumble upon a cut scene you'll see this kind of image : enter image description here

Here is the censored scenes compared to their image description.

Solution 2:

The game is censored both in Europe (Swastikas, Nazis etc.) and in Australia (Anal probing and abortion)

“Seven scenes of about 20 seconds each are censored in the EMEA console versions of South Park: The Stick of Truth. The decision to cut this content from the game was made by Ubisoft EMEA.”
