Devices not showing up for AirDrop

Solution 1:

Steps 3 and 4 are the trick!

Similar issue:

  1. Can send file from MBP to iPad.
  2. Can not see MBP on iPad* airdrop screen.

Fix that worked for me:

  1. On iPad: turn on Wifi, Bluetooth and AirDrop (share with Everyone)
  2. On Mac: turn on Wifi, Bluetooth and AirDrop (share with Everyone), then try to share the file(s) on AirDrop
  3. On Mac: Bluetooth > Browse files on Device; select Jeff's iPad, then 'Browse'; notice it connects, but then it drops right after with the message "The device does not have the necessary services" and
  4. On iPad: observe that 'Mike's MacBook Pro' shows on AirDrop MBP', despite of the error (another error message might be shown under the MBP's name)
  5. On iPad: send pictures/videos to Mac.
  6. [extra] On iPad and MBP: for security reasons, turn off AirDrop (and maybe Bluetooth too) once you're done!

    *Obs: it should work on iPhone too; I upvoted this answer since it helped me to find this solution .

Solution 2:

For AirDrop to work, you need

  1. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on —although you don't need to be connected to the same network for AirDrop to work.
  2. AirDrop activated —probably the "Everyone" setting will help with visibility on iOS.
  3. If your Mac is older than 2012, you may have some issues.
  4. You have to be closer than 30 feet (9 m).
  5. You may wish to check your firewall, but given your specific situation —you see the iPad— that may not be a problem.

Check this document in case I missed something.

Solution 3:

found out that if you are using a VPN there is a good chance that you will lose your ability to use airdrop

Solution 4:

Turning off firewall Worked for me after searching the web for months and trying 100's of solutions!!!! FINALLY!!

Solution 5:

Try sending a file to the iPhone from the Mac.

My iPhone was able to discover my Mac by doing so when I was having issues sending a file to my 2012 MacBook Air (OSX10.11.3) from my iPhone6S Plus (iOS9.3.2), leading me to this page. I tried all the settings and workarounds mentioned on this page and my Mac was able to discover my iPhone, but not vice versa.