How do I climb Bell Tower #9?

I figured it out, You need to "look up" more when you jump, then it's easier.

Even on PC with the XBox controller, I couldn't hang the corner and hit jump at the same time. Smash the railing down so you can get more of a run and jump the gap at something of an angle.

If you picture the opening with the railing there, knock all of the railing down. Now, take 2-3 steps left (back towards the ladder), turn and face the platform you're trying to get to. Now it should be a standard running jump to get there. So, I'm not going all the way back to the ladder, maybe 1/2 way.

I succeeded the first time after doing that. Not sure if it's just easy without the railing or I got lucky.

1: You can reach the lowest roof of this tower with a buzzer, that will get you past the longest jump.

2: If you have a Logitech keyboard or other KB that won't support three presses, you can make the jump by temporarily remapping sprint (shift) to middle mouse... works perfectly.