How to hide bind mounts in nautilus?


How do I remove folders mounted via bind or bindfs in /etc/fstab from appearing as devices in nautilus left column, the "places" view?



I mount various directories from my data partition via bind in /etc/fstab in my home directory, eg like this:

 #using bind:
 /mnt/sda5/bazon/Musik   /home/Bazon/Musik   none   bind,user   0 0
#or using bindfs
bindfs#/mnt/sda5/tobi/Downloads /home/tobi/Downloads fuse user 0 0

(Background: /dev/sda5 mounted to /mnt/sda5 is my old home partition, but I do not want to mount it as a home partition, as I always have at least 2 Linuxes on the computer ...)

That works well, but since 12.10 every one of those items is listed in Nautilus in the left column under "Devices". (Where normally USB drives appear, etc.) This is a waste of space (as I have many of such mounts...) and so I would like to have these mounts hidden, just as it was before in 12.04. How can I do that?


Solution 1:

if you mount the partition somewhere other than /media or /home and symlink to it, the nautilus buttons would disappear

Solution 2:

Add comment=x-gvfs-hide to mount options (4th column) in /etc/fstab. This will tell your file manager to hide that mount.

In your case:

bindfs#/mnt/sda5/tobi/Downloads  /home/tobi/Downloads  fuse  user,comment=x-gvfs-hide  0  0