Interpretation of a quote from "Easy A" (the 2010 film) [closed]

Solution 1:

The other answers correctly explain that Olive Pendergast is jokingly assigning an irrelevant, scientific definition to the word "climax" where it was clearly meant by Rhiannon to describe a sexual orgasm. I would add that a big part of the joke is that the definition of "climax" used by Olive Pendergast describes an ecological process that would take hundreds or thousands of years. On the other hand, the activity leading to the sexual sort of climax, as Rhiannon notes, can often be measured in seconds.

The other humorous contrast is between the titillating nature of a discussion about sex versus the technical and (some would say) boring nature the topic of ecology.

Edit: Dan Bron notes in a comment that "none of the answers took a whack at actually interpreting the botanical definition Olive recites, nor the ... idiom 'By George'" -- OK, I'll take a crack at it.

"By George" is an expression of surprise or amazement (and a "minced oath" -- here, a euphemism for "By God."

And as far as I can gather, "the stable and self-perpetuating end-stage in the evolution of a plant community" describes the following: in a particular geographic area, the mix of plant species will change over time. The "climax community" describes a more-or-less stable end-point in the process, like an old-growth forest.

It's not necessary to really grasp what "climax" means in this sense to enjoy the joke, though.

Solution 2:

It is a joke.

Movie scene

The conversation is between two girls (Rhiannon and Olive) about the name George which according to Rhiannon is not a great name to shout out during sex.

The last part is overheard by a teacher and Olive tries to explain away the word Climax in a non sexual way - taken verbatim from - Climax

4. an orgasm.
5. Ecology. the stable and self-perpetuating end stage in the ecological succession or evolution of a plant and animal community.

I did not hear the 20 second in the clip but I did hear a reference to a famous scene in The Breakfast Club: Don't mess with the Bull, you'll get the horns