remmina no longer working "cannot connect to RDP server localhost"

Until sometime last night, I had remmina working fine. I could run RDP through an SSH tunnel and all was well.

Then it stopped working. I can get as far as the password dialog for my work machine, but then it just says Cannot connect to RDP server localhost.

I can't even find any logs that look interesting. I've re-installed remmina, cleared my .remmina directory, restarted my machine, and even restarted my gateway.

Just to make it really weird, my laptop (which has the same setup -- latest Ubuntu and Remmina) can make the connection just fine. It is even going through the same router, albeit wirelessly.

Any thoughts?

I have no idea why it worked, but I started changing settings one at a time. When I edited the connection properties, I looked on the "advanced" tab and changed the security from "negotiate" to "TLS", and voila, everything works.

Strangely, "negotiate" still works on the laptop, but at least I'm back in business with my bigger monitor :)

This just happened to me, and I found this Stack Overflow answer by Alejandro Sanchez (archived), which resolved the issue. Just run rm ~/.freerdp/known_hosts and try again.

Apparently this happens when the keys on the tunnel server change. See Launchpad Bug #944040: Cannot connect to RDP if host fingerprint changes.


The first link now points to an answer that was deleted and may not be archived completely. Here's some of the additional info from that link:

  • It seems that the "known_hosts" file contains some routing data for each server, that data becomes outdated sometimes, and when Remmina tries to connect using the outdated data, it fails. Deleting the known_hosts file solves this problem. – Erel Segal-Halevi Dec 13 '12 at 10:06

  • FWIW, my problem had nothing to do with known_hosts (as explained bellow), but everything to do with security settings: see for details. – Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic Apr 24 '14 at 10:58

  • Totally worked, I was wondering where the certs were being stored. I had same issue for most part, was using Remmina to RDP to a certain machine, then one day it stopped working (nothing on the remote machine changed). Other RDP connections I had saved still worked, except for this one machine. It did happen to use NLA auth, which seems to be part of the problem with the newest Remmina not saving certs. – Nicholi Apr 26 '13 at 20:26

  • thanks , it used to connect perfectly then i reformatted the server and it stopped working , deleting the line for this host worked . – Bor691 Jan 15 '14 at 8:50

  • I need to use two services on same address but different ports and using this repeatedly is the only way I could connect to both. – Gringo Suave Oct 13 '14 at 18:55