What is the difference between cross-validation and grid search?
In simple words, what is the difference between cross-validation and grid search? How does grid search work? Should I do first a cross-validation and then a grid search?
Cross-validation is when you reserve part of your data to use in evaluating your model. There are different cross-validation methods. The simplest conceptually is to just take 70% (just making up a number here, it doesn't have to be 70%) of your data and use that for training, and then use the remaining 30% of the data to evaluate the model's performance. The reason you need different data for training and evaluating the model is to protect against overfitting. There are other (slightly more involved) cross-validation techniques, of course, like k-fold cross-validation, which often used in practice.
Grid search is a method to perform hyper-parameter optimisation, that is, it is a method to find the best combination of hyper-parameters (an example of an hyper-parameter is the learning rate of the optimiser), for a given model (e.g. a CNN) and test dataset. In this scenario, you have several models, each with a different combination of hyper-parameters. Each of these combinations of parameters, which correspond to a single model, can be said to lie on a point of a "grid". The goal is then to train each of these models and evaluate them e.g. using cross-validation. You then select the one that performed best.
To give a concrete example, if you're using a support vector machine, you could use different values for gamma
and C
. So, for example, you could have a grid with the following values for (gamma, C)
: (1, 1), (0.1, 1), (1, 10), (0.1, 10)
. It's a grid because it's like a product of [1, 0.1]
for gamma
and [1, 10]
for C
. Grid-search would basically train a SVM for each of these four pair of (gamma, C)
values, then evaluate it using cross-validation, and select the one that did best.
Cross-validation is a method for robustly estimating test-set performance (generalization) of a model. Grid-search is a way to select the best of a family of models, parametrized by a grid of parameters.
Here, by "model", I don't mean a trained instance, more the algorithms together with the parameters, such as SVC(C=1, kernel='poly')
Cross-validation, simply separating test and training data and validate training results with test data. There are two cross validation techniques that I know.
First, Test/Train cross validation. Splitting data as test and train.
Second, k-fold cross-validation split your data into k bins, use each bin as testing data and use rest of the data as training data and validate against testing data. Repeat the process k times. And Get the average performance. k-fold cross validation especially useful for small dataset since it maximizes both the test and training data.
Grid Search; systematically working through multiple combinations of parameter tunes, cross validate each and determine which one gives the best performance.You can work through many combination only changing parameters a bit.
Cross-validation is a method of reserving a particular subset of your dataset on which you do not train the model. Later, you test your model on this subset before finalizing it.
The main steps you need to perform to do cross-validation are:
Split the whole dataset in training and test datasets (e.g. 80% of the whole dataset is the training dataset and the remaining 20% is the test dataset)
Train the model using the training dataset
Test your model on the test dataset. If your model performs well on the test dataset, continue the training process
There are other cross-validation methods, for example
Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV)
K-fold cross-validation
Stratified K-fold cross-validation
Adversarial cross-validation strategies (used when train and rest datasets are differ largely from each other).