Missing driver ASUS PCE-N53 11n N600 PCI-E Adapter

I just ended up compiling the driver myself. Not what I would have wanted, but hopefully this will be fixed in the next version of Ubuntu.

I someone else has the same problem here is what worked for me:

Install build-essentials

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Download the driver from Asus. I found them here: http://www.asus.com/Networks/Wireless_Adapters/PCEN53/

Unpack the downloaded .zip file. The download comes with a lot of instructions for what you need to do. Most of them turn out to not be required.

Enter the directory where you unpacked the zip and unpack the driver code.

tar -jxvf DPO_GPL_RT5592STA_LinuxSTA_v2.6.0.0_20120326.tar.bz2

Enter the new directory and start make


This runs for a while and then fails due to a missing /tftpboot directory. This does not seem to be relevant since the correct file is made anyway.

Now install the driver.

sudo make install

The installation instructions tells you to edit a /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. Since I didn't have neither the file or directory I just skipped this step and rebooted.

After the reboot everything seems to work. Ubuntu automatically found the card and it is what I am using now. Since I have only been using it for 10 minutes I don't know how stable it is but hopefully it will be ok.

Note: I found that I had to have my Ethernet unplugged and then restart Ubuntu for this to take. Otherwise works great.

I was having the same problem and emailed Asus about the should support the 3.x kernel and they wrote back saying that they have forwarded the email the their tech team.

Anyway I was doing a bit more research into the matter and found a post on the Arch Linux forums. A user there posted a patch to get it working on a 3.x Linux kernel, I have tested it and so far all is functional with a couple of hours of light usage.

Here is the link to the patch file, just apply it to the Linux drivers from the Asus website.