How can I install gephi?

I'm failing to install Gephi properly on Ubuntu 12.04. I need to do some data analysis for a course using it.

Solution 1:

Install Sun Java via Synaptic, do a Quick Search Search for sun java and install the jre and jdk. Do not forget to run update-alternatives –config java and update-alternatives –config javac.

If you’re on the 8.10 version, please install Java manually from the Oracle website, because the distributed packages are obsolete.

Download gephi from here

Then After the download completes, unzip and untar the file in a directory. Run it by executing ./bin/gephi script file.

You can run the script file with

chmod +x /bin/

Hope that helps .


Solution 2:

You can install the daily build from Launchpad. I've been using it for a while with no major issues.

First add the PPA to you software sources and update apt:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rockclimb/gephi-daily
sudo apt-get update

Then install gephi with:

sudo apt-get install gephi