Is it good practice to NULL a pointer after deleting it?

I'll start out by saying, use smart pointers and you'll never have to worry about this.

What are the problems with the following code?

Foo * p = new Foo;
// (use p)
delete p;
p = NULL;

This was sparked by an answer and comments to another question. One comment from Neil Butterworth generated a few upvotes:

Setting pointers to NULL following delete is not universal good practice in C++. There are times when it is a good thing to do, and times when it is pointless and can hide errors.

There are plenty of circumstances where it wouldn't help. But in my experience, it can't hurt. Somebody enlighten me.

Setting a pointer to 0 (which is "null" in standard C++, the NULL define from C is somewhat different) avoids crashes on double deletes.

Consider the following:

Foo* foo = 0; // Sets the pointer to 0 (C++ NULL)
delete foo; // Won't do anything


Foo* foo = new Foo();
delete foo; // Deletes the object
delete foo; // Undefined behavior 

In other words, if you don't set deleted pointers to 0, you will get into trouble if you're doing double deletes. An argument against setting pointers to 0 after delete would be that doing so just masks double delete bugs and leaves them unhandled.

It's best to not have double delete bugs, obviously, but depending on ownership semantics and object lifecycles, this can be hard to achieve in practice. I prefer a masked double delete bug over UB.

Finally, a sidenote regarding managing object allocation, I suggest you take a look at std::unique_ptr for strict/singular ownership, std::shared_ptr for shared ownership, or another smart pointer implementation, depending on your needs.

Setting pointers to NULL after you've deleted what it pointed to certainly can't hurt, but it's often a bit of a band-aid over a more fundamental problem: Why are you using a pointer in the first place? I can see two typical reasons:

  • You simply wanted something allocated on the heap. In which case wrapping it in a RAII object would have been much safer and cleaner. End the RAII object's scope when you no longer need the object. That's how std::vector works, and it solves the problem of accidentally leaving pointers to deallocated memory around. There are no pointers.
  • Or perhaps you wanted some complex shared ownership semantics. The pointer returned from new might not be the same as the one that delete is called on. Multiple objects may have used the object simultaneously in the meantime. In that case, a shared pointer or something similar would have been preferable.

My rule of thumb is that if you leave pointers around in user code, you're Doing It Wrong. The pointer shouldn't be there to point to garbage in the first place. Why isn't there an object taking responsibility for ensuring its validity? Why doesn't its scope end when the pointed-to object does?