Regex remove repeated characters from a string by javascript

Solution 1:

A lookahead like "this, followed by something and this":

var str = "aaabbbccccabbbbcccccc";
console.log(str.replace(/(.)(?=.*\1)/g, "")); // "abc"

Note that this preserves the last occurrence of each character:

var str = "aabbccxccbbaa";
console.log(str.replace(/(.)(?=.*\1)/g, "")); // "xcba"

Without regexes, preserving order:

var str = "aabbccxccbbaa";
console.log(str.split("").filter(function(x, n, s) {
  return s.indexOf(x) == n
}).join("")); // "abcx"

Solution 2:

This is an old question, but in ES6 we can use Sets. The code looks like this:

var test = 'aaabbbcccaabbbcccaaaaaaaasa';
var result = Array.from(new Set(test)).join('');
