Fast way to acquire armor with item level higher than 615

I hit level 100 yesterday and I wondered if any of you guys know a fast way to gear up for LFR once it's unlocked (people with ilvl < 615 can't queue up). The only way I get armor is doing instances, which takes incredibly long for a solo player like me (it takes up to one hour to find an instance group).

Solution 1:

You have several legitimate options, some of which can be done in combination to speed things up:

  1. Keep solo queuing dungeons. The queue time might be long, but you're now guaranteed an item off of the last boss. That's a 615 piece on normal mode and 630 on heroic.

  2. Buy PvP gear with Honor. Honor vendor is in Stormshield (Alliance) or Warspear (Horde) next to Ashran. Honor gear is 620 in PvE. There is no longer a penalty for using PvP gear in PvE.

  3. Crafting. You can try crafting your own gear or buying it off the auction house. If you don't have any crafting profession for your class, you can use your small garrison buildings to craft for you. For example, the Level 3 Tailoring shop offers ilvl 640 epic gear. The catch is it costs 100 cloth per piece, which can be time-consuming to farm via work orders. I assume similar prices exist for the other professions.

  4. Don't forget Khadgar's legendary questline. The first part only requires normal Skyreach for an epic ilvl 640 ring and if you finish the first chapter the ring is upgraded to ilvl 680.

  5. Rare level 100 and 100 (ilvl 615 requirement) follower missions can offer a token that generates a random ilvl 615 (and ilvl 630 for the latter) piece for one of your armor slots. These missions aren't that common and are fairly long, but combined with the other options, can help boost you faster.

  6. Various rare spawns around the world can drop ilvl 620 gear, but many of these have a long respawn timer. Wowhead's guide to gearing for heroic dungeons has a good list.

  7. You can trade in thousands of Apexis shards for ilvl 630 gear at Stormshield/Warspear.

  8. Highly overpriced Bind on Equip items at your local auction house, or if you're lucky your Level 3 Salvage Yard. These are ilvl 621 for the rares and 665 for the epics.

  9. Between Nov 21st, 2014 and Jan 6, 2015, a special level 100 version of the 40-man Molten Core raid is available. The final boss, Ragnaros, drops a guaranteed epic ilvl 640 hat. The other nine bosses don't have any loot. If you're a damage-dealer, be prepared to spend an hour in queue and around three hours to clear the instance, and make sure you bring a lot of patience. You need ilvl 615 to enter, but it'll boost your ilvl for Blackrock Foundry, which is expected to have tougher requirements than Highmaul.

Solution 2:

In addition to Troyen, there's one more way (probably the fastest) to get a high ilvl fast:

Go to Ring of Trials (Nagrand), there's a vendor that sells "Warlords Tournament Season 1" PvP items (50 gold each piece, 750 gold for the whole set), all iLvl 660, you can't actually use them outside of war games, but it counts as your ilvl used to queue up, so you would be able to queue up all LFR raids.

To be honest I'm not a fan of doing it this way, because there will be a lot of iLvl 600 people getting into LFR having low DPS.

Solution 3:

upgrade your dwarven bunker(lvl2) and salvage yard(lvl 2-3) and once you get 1 0r 2 followers to ilvl 640-645 you get highmaul missions which will reward you you great gear...easy and no q times!