Is there any standard logging package for R? [closed]

I am looking for the standard (if any) logging package for R, and some sample usage?

I also don't see any among the packages listed:

I just submitted a logging package to CRAN. it is based on some parts of an older version of the 'futile' package (by Brian Lee Yung Rowe).

You find the logging package:

  • on github
  • on R-forge
  • on CRAN

It mimics the standard python logging package, but please be careful if you decide to use it. I also attempted to document it by example, the package home page on R-Forge points to a couple of possible usage sessions.

Any feedback will be read with interest!

At the moment, there is still no native library for logging. But there are four of them available on CRAN:

1) logging
- simple & log4j-like
- resembles standard Python library (uses that documentation as guideline)
- author started it in 2010, 'mature' by 2012
- adopted by WLOGSolutions
- actively maintained

2) futile.logger (recommended! I am also using it)
- actively maintaining
- supports json error logging
- similar semantics to Python’s logging as well as log4j-like
- may be complicated

3) log4r
- easy and log4j-like
- not being maintained since 2014

4) luzlogr
- supersimple - (open, write, close file)

I suggest the futile.logger package, it implements multiple hierarchical loggers with formatted output strings and you can send the output different ways. It also implements per-package loggers naturally.