Stuttering in Titanfall

Lately I've been experience stuttering in Titanfall, and especially when a lot is happening in game like explosions etc. Both the graphics and sound starts to stutters, and sometimes the display freezes a few seconds, and usually ends up with disconnecting or game exits.

This is what I have done so far:

  • Disabled aero in Windows
  • Disabled v-sync (read somewhere I had to enable in game before disable through GFX card)
  • Disabled Origin in game
  • Set +m_rawinput 1 parameters on run
  • Installed latest GFX drivers
  • Increased GFX fan speeds (game even stutters at 50-60 celsius)
  • Increased CPU priority to high


Intel duo E8400 CPU


Radeon HD 5700 GFX (4 gb)

Game used to run fine earlier, but not anymore. Any ideas? My only thoughts was a faulty HDD (even though I found no error on checkdisk), but anyone else have a clue on this?

Solution 1:

Try disabling Origin in game overlay. Worked on a friend's PC who was experiencing a similar problem.