How do I host multiple Node.js sites on the same IP/server with different domains?

Choose one of:

  • Use some other server (like nginx) as a reverse proxy.
  • Use node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy.
  • Use the vhost middleware if each domain can be served from the same Connect/Express codebase and node.js instance.

Diet.js has very nice and simple way to host multiple domains with the same server instance. You can simply call a new server() for each of your domains.

A Simple Example

// Require diet
var server = require('diet');

// Main domain
var app = server()
app.get('/', function($){
    $.end('hello world ')

// Sub domain
var sub = server()
sub.get('/', function($){
    $.end('hello world at sub domain!')

// Other domain
var other = server()
other.get('/', function($){
    $.end('hello world at other domain')

Separating Your Apps

If you would like to have different folders for your apps then you could have a folder structure like this:


In /server/index.js you would require each app by it's folder:


In /server/yourApp/index.js you would setup your first domain such as:

// Require diet
var server = require('diet')

// Create app
var app = server()
app.get('/', function($){
    $.end('hello world ')

And in /server/yourOtherApp/index.js you would setup your second domain such as:

// Require diet
var server = require('diet')

// Create app
var app = server()
app.get('/', function($){
    $.end('hello world at ')

Read More:

  • Read more about Diet.js
  • Read more about Virtual Hosts in Diet.js Read more about Server in Diet.js

Hm ... why you think that nodejs should act as a proxy. I'll suggest to run several node apps listening on different ports. Then use nginx to forward the request to the right port. If use a single nodejs you will have also single point of failure. If that app crashes then all the sites go down.