Is it possible to gain multiple Essence from a single run?

Prior to version 0.7, it was possible to only get one essence per reset.

After version 0.7, it is possible to get multiple essence per reset in two different ways.

The fastest way is to maximize your world level. As @Chillie points out, the formula for this is 1+floor(N/5) where N is the world level. So, always pick the world with the largest level to maximize your essence return.

The slower way, which is essentially AFK, is to assemble a whale chorus. I have yet to obtain a single essence with this approach, but rumors are that you can acquire them if you wait long enough. The acquisition rate is quite slow however. (1 / week?)

As of 0.71 the formula for essence awarded for entering the gate is 1+floor(N/5) where N is the world level.

I have answered the chorus question here: