Connection error to mysql database

Looking over all the bug details an reports I suspect there is a network or client side issue here. Something is either corrupting or adding too much latency to the mysql data.

On a clear network, do a wireshark trace and check what the conversation is like. Ensure no traffic shaping is going on anywhere. Seems like a 64bit issue only so check a 32bit build just to ensure it's the same issue. Check on a Windows XP box - M$ did some funky stuff to the network stack on Vista which made it suck - bit time! We have no end of networking issues with Vista and Win7 machines!

If you do manage a wireshark trace please pastebin and put up the link as we'd all like a look I think.

In the end this turned out to be due to a general networking issue on the machine. The solution was found in: Network performance issues on windows 7