Using decltype to get an expression's type, without the const

Solution 1:

I prefer auto i = decltype(e){0}; for this. It's a bit simpler than using type_traits, and I feel it more explicitly specifies the intent that you want a variable initialized to a 0 of e's type.

I've been using Herb's "AAA Style" a lot lately, so it could just be bias on my part.

Solution 2:

Use std::remove_const:

for (std::remove_const<decltype(e)>::type i{0}; i < e; ++i)

Solution 3:

You can also use std::decay:

for (std::decay<decltype(e)>::type i{}; i < e; ++i) {
  // do something

Solution 4:

A solution not mentioned yet:

for (decltype(+e) i{0}; i < e; ++i)

Prvalues of primitive type have const stripped; so +e is a prvalue of type int and therefore decltype(+e) is int.