Is File Vault 2 whole disk encryption or whole partition encryption?

John Siracusa's detailed Lion review covers the new FileVault disk encryption feature in great detail:

To summarise, the new system is "volume" based. This means that not all volumes can be or are encrypted. The Lion recovery partition for example is not encrypted. Non Mac volumes are also not encrypted (FAT, NTFS, ExFAT, etc).

From John's description it does appear you can have multiple encrypted volumes. Whether or not they can use different passwords is unknown to me. Some use of the diskutil command may be necessary to achieve this if possible.

Yes. FileVault2 is volume based so you can have an encrypted Mac OS volume and an unencrypted Windows bootcamp partition for instance. The Recovery partition is also not encrypted.

FileVault2 requires Lion to decrypt/decode the drive. It doesn't work with Windows Linux, or previous versions of Mac OS X. I recommend John Siracusa's Lion review for more detail. You can also listen to his 5by5 podcast for some additional insights.