Regex to get the words after matching string [duplicate]

Solution 1:

But I need the match result to be ... not in a match group...

For what you are trying to do, this should work. \K resets the starting point of the match.

\bObject Name:\s+\K\S+

You can do the same for getting your Security ID matches.

\bSecurity ID:\s+\K\S+

Solution 2:

The following should work for you:

[\n\r].*Object Name:\s*([^\n\r]*)

Working example

Your desired match will be in capture group 1.

[\n\r][ \t]*Object Name:[ \t]*([^\n\r]*)

Would be similar but not allow for things such as " blah Object Name: blah" and also make sure that not to capture the next line if there is no actual content after "Object Name:"

Solution 3:

You're almost there. Use the following regex (with multi-line option enabled)

\bObject Name:\s+(.*)$

The complete match would be

Object Name:   D:\ApacheTomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.36\logs\localhost.2013-07-01.log

while the captured group one would contain


If you want to capture the file path directly use

(?m)(?<=\bObject Name:).*$

Solution 4:

This might work out for you depending on which language you are using:

(?<=Object Name:).*

It's a positive lookbehind assertion. More information could be found here.

It won't work with JavaScript though. In your comment I read that you're using it for logstash. If you are using GROK parsing for logstash then it would work. You can verify it yourself here:

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