Slow Wireless Reconnect After Suspend

Solution 1:

The following woked for me on an Asus x50N. Cheers




in the file /etc/default/acpi-support

Solution 2:

Adding "networking" to /etc/default/acpi-support might not be enough. You might find you get better results by putting the whole network card to sleep. I have to do so to my bluetooth driver, or the whole laptop fails to resume after suspend.

Go to your network manager applet, right-click and choose Connection Information. Note the name of your Driver. You can confirm this name by opening a terminal and issuing lsmod. Perhaps grep the result for your driver (eg lsmod | grep sky2) because if anything depends on this, you'll need to tell ACPI to shut that down too.

Then in /etc/default/acpi-support, add your driver. So the sum total of your edits will be :

MODULES="sky2 toshiba_bluetooth bluetooth btusb"

n.b. I use a Toshiba laptop, hence the Toshiba references. Your modules will have to be determined from the output of lsmod outlined above.

The order is important, so that networking is stopped first, then the modules are unloaded in the order of sky2 WiFi driver, then the bluetooth drivers. They are then started in reverse order after a resume.