What is the name of that motion where one repeatedly bows to another with arms outstretched?

What I'm thinking of is usually not performed as a very deep bow as the torso doesn't really move far from the vertical. And when it's done, it's often performed in rapid succession, with kind of a facetious manner. The intended meaning is to pay homage, to say "I am in awe [of what you just did]." Does a specific word describing this motion exist?

What you describe might be a self-conscious or theatrical "salaam", an Islamic salutation properly executed as a low bow while pressing the palm of one's right hand to the forehead.

Are you thinking of kowtowing, maybe? Traditionally, that involves kneeling and touching your forehead to the ground, but people sometimes use it more loosely (and facetiously).

"Worshipping" is the best word I could use to describe it