How we can use CTE in subquery in sql server?

How we can use a CTE in a subquery in SQL Server?


SELECT id (I want to use CTE here), name FROM table_name

Just define your CTE on top and access it in the subquery?

WITH YourCTE(blubb) AS
    SELECT 'Blubb'
       (SELECT blubb FROM YourCTE),
FROM   table_name

It doesn't work:

select id (I want to use CTE here), name from table_name

It's not possible to use CTE in sub queries.

You can realize it as a work around:

CREATE VIEW MyCTEView AS comes your CTE-Statement.

Then you are able to do this:

select id (select id from MyCTEView), name from table_name

Create a view with CTE/ Multiple CTEs with UNION sets of all CTEs

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[_vEmployees] 
    TEST_CTE(EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, City, Country)
        AS (
            SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, City, Country FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 4
        AS (
            SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, City, Country FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 7
    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, City, Country FROM TEST_CTE UNION SELECT * FROM TEST_CTE2

enter image description here

Now, use it into sub query

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID IN (SELECT EmployeeID FROM _vEmployees)

enter image description here