Create dynamic number of input elements with R/Shiny

Solution 1:

You could handle generation of the UI element in server.R, so you have something like:


shinyUI( pageWithSideBar(
    selectInput("numIndividuals", ...)



shinyServer( function(input, output, session) {

  output$sliders <- renderUI({
    numIndividuals <- as.integer(input$numIndividuals)
    lapply(1:numIndividuals, function(i) {


When I have UI elements that depend on values from other UI elements, I find it easiest to generate them in server.R.

It's useful to understand that all of the _Input functions just generate HTML. When you want to generate that HTML dynamically it makes sense to move it to server.R. And perhaps the other thing worth emphasizing is that it's okay to return a list of HTML 'elements' in a renderUI call.

Solution 2:

You can access dynamically named variables from shiny using this syntax:


So in your example above, if you initialise your slider elements as so

# server.R

output$sliders <- renderUI({
  members <- as.integer(input$members) # default 2
  max_pred <- as.integer(input$max_pred) # default 5000
  lapply(1:members, function(i) {
    sliderInput(inputId = paste0("ind", i), label = paste("Individual", i),
                min = 0, max = max_pred, value = c(0, 500), step = 100)

# ui.R

selectInput("num", "select number of inputs", choices = seq(1,10,1))

You can print the values to a table using the following

# server.R

output$table <- renderTable({
    num <- as.integer(input$num)

    data.frame(lapply(1:num, function(i) {
      input[[paste0("ind", i)]]

# ui.R


See here for a working Shiny example. Working gist here.

Source: Joe Cheng's first answer, about half way down this thread

Solution 3:

You could generate the sidebar with and lapply, something like:

# create the first input, which isn't dynamic
sel.input = selectInput(inputId = "class", label = "Choose plan type:",
            list("Employee only" = "emp", "Employee and spouse" = "emp_spouse",
                 "Employee and child" = "emp_child", "Employee and family" = "emp_fam"))

num.individuals = 5  # determine the number of individuals here

# concatenate the select input and the other inputs
inputs = c(list(sel.input), lapply(1:num.individuals, function(i) {
    sliderInput(inputId = paste0("ind", i), label = paste("Individual", i), min = 0, max = 20000, value = c(0, 2500), step = 250)

sidebar.panel =, inputs)