Virtualbox windows 7 guest - pressing windows key launches unity menu

Unfortunately this issue still seems not to be solved.

Virtual Box may grab all keys from the host OS but Unity seems not to release the Super and the Alt key. Therefore our VM will not be able to grab them before the host OS does (see here).

As a workaround we may define other keys for opening the Dash and the HUD in the virtual machine and avoid using Super and Alt keys when working in the VM.

See also:

  • How can I stop Unity 2d intercepting meta key when I'm in VirtualBox?

Upgraded to 12.10 but it wasn't solved :(

I found this bug:

Go in and mark the bug as "This affects me"

I find that this is sometimes avoidable by pressing and releasing in turn the alt and/or windows keys once inside the guest os with the keyboard captured.

However it's a bit fiddly and doesn't always work!