Charles proxy fails on SSL Connect Method

Solution 1:

From iOS 10.3 you also need to go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings and trust Charles certificate.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You can face with this problem at some applications like Facebook or Instagram. Charles certificate doesn't work at some new apps because they are using a technique named as SSL-PINNING. First of all you have to break ssl-pinning system of application or you can instal old version of application then it sometimes works but we need a new solution about ssl pinning in order to record traffic for this kind of applications.

Solution 3:

as @Berkay Yıldız says, it probably using ssl/certificate pinning.

how to fix/avoid/disable ssl pinning?

the whole logic is:

LEVEL 1: for normal http: core logic:

  • PC:Mac/Windows
    • Charles set http proxy
    • set port
  • app use Charles proxy
    • inside Wifi, set
      • host IP
      • port

Note: computer side, MUST use wired network, NOT wireless, otherwise mobile side network not usable

LEVEL 2: for encrypted https

  • PC
    • install Charles root certificate
      • Mac:use Key Chain to trust Charles Root CA
    • Charles
      • Enable SSL Proxying
        • set location filter for your specific api address
  • phone
    • app
      • install Charles Root CA
        • Note: type should select: VPN and Application
          • NOT select:WLAN
        • makesure certificate install successfully
          • Trusted Credentials -> User, can see installed Charles certificate

LEVEL 3: for SPECIAL https which using ssl pinning:

  • Phone:
    • make sure root or jailbreak
      • Android:has rooted
        • for later to install tool: Xposed
      • iOS:has jail break
        • for later to install tool: Cydia
    • then install plugin/tool, capable of avoid/disable ssl pinning
      • Android:
        • JustTrustMe (based on Xposed)
        • Android-SSL-TrustKiller (Cydia Substrate)
      • iOS:
        • SSL Kill Switch 2 (based on Cydia)
          • old version:iOS SSL Kill Switch (based on Cydia)

more detailed summary please refer my post (written in Chinese): 1 and 2

Solution 4:

Some folks my end up here with android N Devices that won't do SSL over charles even after installing the cert - now on

In N - you need to also add an xml file and security config. This post goes into more details: How to get charles proxy work with Android 7 nougat?