How can I start RhythmBox minimized?

There is a plugin for this...

disclaimer - I'm the author for this plugin

Called rhythmbox_hide, this is a little applet that either starts rhythmbox hidden or minimized.

By default, when the plugin is enabled through the menu option Edit - Plugins, rhythmbox starts hidden on startup, but through the plugin preferences you can uncheck this option and rhythmbox will then start minimized.

enter image description here

This plugin is particularly useful in combination with another plugin called remember-the-rhythm.

When used with this plugin you can start rhythmbox via the startup applications option for your Desktop Environment and on login, your last track that was playing will be immediately start playing.

how to install

sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd rhythmbox_hide

You will be prompted for your password which installs the dconf schema key used to remember your preferences option.

Alternatively, if you prefer a package installation method:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/rhythmbox-plugins
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-plugin-hide

Linked Question

  • How do I install third-party rhythmbox plugins?