How much performance is gained from setting NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation = 1?

You can tune NTFS with different parameters in the registry and an TechNet articles states that you increase file performance by setting NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to 1 in the registry.

In real life, how much is gained, and is it worth it compared to having legacy compatibility?

Solution 1:

per the following article it starts to help at the 300,000+ files.

just remember that you might break older apps by doing so.

how much you gain depends on too many variables. I suggest you run performance monitor before and after you change the registry.

Solution 2:

Two valuable resources addressing the performance of this are:


See also this comment (in another blog entry):

All that said, these are arguments in favor of the feature on file servers or servers where large number of files exist (or are created in) folders (see the numbers reported above). There are certainly arguments against using the feature on client versions of Windows, where there may be backward-compatibility issues to consider.