What tools read SMART data and can run on USB bootable media?

I'm looking for a bootable tool that provide SMART values from my HDD if there is such a thing.

So far I'm only able to get into the recovery mode of my MacBook Pro and I need to confirm a malfunctioning HDD.

As far as I know I can't install any software in Recovery Mode? I have SMART utility but I can't think of any way on how to use it like this.

Any good recommendations for a USB or CD bootable solution to check my HDD SMART values?

The process to make your own test rig is quite easy:

  1. Install OS X onto a USB hard drive. A partition with 20 GB should be just fine.
  2. Use the Startup Disk preference pane to reboot to that new OS and create an admin user.
  3. Install homebrew - https://brew.sh
  4. Install smartmontools - brew install smartmontools
  5. Get a USB drive or SD card if you don't want to boot from the hard drive/partition.
  6. Thin out files if your image won't fit on the chosen media (or buy larger media)
  7. Use Disk Utility to Restore the OS from the partition to the media chosen

Now you have a UDB/SD card that can boot your Mac and run one of the best free SMART tools.