i have a website and in website some people can upload files .... and when user upload file it must scan from virus by antivirus ... so i need test virus have the following extention (.doc ,jpg, png, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx ) to sure the antivirus work correctly

Solution 1:

Get the EICAR test vector and use that.

Solution 2:

You don't need to download it. Just open up notepad and paste the following into the file:


Then, save it as whatever file you want. You'll probably need to temporarily turn off your AV to handle the file though.

This comes from the EICAR Anti Malware Test file page: https://www.eicar.org/?page_id=3950

Solution 3:

You could download the EICAR test virus pattern to a file and rename the extension to what you need.