Which champion can have the highest maximum health?

Simple question with perhaps a difficult answer: which champion (in league of legends) can have the highest maximum health with a full build, and what would that build need to be to achieve this?

I would guess the champion would have to be Alistar with a base maximum health of 2278 at lv18

And if we stacked up with 6x Warmog's Armor, we would have 6*1000+2278 = 8278. But is there any way to go higher than that? Maybe with masteries and runes? What would the final maximum health be?

Both builds are definitly not viable for rankeds! Play them at own risk.

I'm not 100% sure if a i calculated the Health of Alistar corrently. I added all the flat bonus values (6007,76) and multiplied this with all percentages together (28%) and added the Base Health (2278): (6007,76 * 128 / 100) + 2278.

If there is a misstake, feel free to edit this answer but provide the calculation formula.

Alistar (without any skills involved)

the most health any champion can obtain is 9967,9328, being a level 18 Alistar with:


  • HP@18: 2278


  • Full HP@18: 536,76


  • Veteran's Scars: 36
  • Juggernaut: 3%


  • 5*Warmog's Armor: 5000
  • 1*Spirit of the Ancient Golem: 200 and + 25% Bonus Health
  • Elixir of Fortitude: 235

Sion (with skills involved)

unlimited health with Soul Furnace

Nunu (with skills involved)

the most health any champion can obtain is 13195.95, being a level 18 Nunu with:

All health runes and masteries:

  • 9 Scaling Marks of Health (+87,48HP)

  • 9 Scaling Glyphs of Health (+87,48HP)

  • 9 Percent Seals of Health (+216HP)

  • 3 Percent Quintessences of Health (+145,8HP)

  • 3 points in Veteran's Scars mastery (+36HP)

  • 1 point in Juggernaut mastery (+3%)

  • 5 Warmog's Armor (+5000HP)

  • 1 Spirit of the Ancient Golem (+200HP +25%)

  • An Elixir of Fortitude (+235HP)

  • Wild Growth cast by a Lulu with the maximum amount of ability power. (+???HP)

  • Consume cast on a Golem jungle creep (+10%)