OS X Automator action for url in Safari

I have created an automator workflow for urls in Safari. The workflow is available when I select the url in the toolbar and right-click on it.

However, when I right-click on an anchor tag anywhere on the web page, the automator action for the url is not available. Only actions for text are displayed. I suspect that automator is looking at the label of the anchor tag and not the url itself.

Is there a way to start an automator action for an url when right-clicking a link from a web page in Safari ?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, selected links on a web page are not seen as "URLs" in Automator.

A workaround is to design your action to ignore input and use the "Get Contents of Clipboard" action instead. Assign a shortcut to your automator action in System Preferences. Then use "Copy Link" when you right-click the link and hit your shortcut key. Yes, it's an extra step, alas.