Classpath resource within jar

Solution 1:

Use getResource instead of getSystemResource to use a resource specific to a given classloader instead of the system. For example, try any of the following:

URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("R.txt");
URL resource = Foo.class.getClassLoader().getResource("R.txt");
URL resource = getClass().getResource("/R.txt");
URL resource = Foo.class.getResource("/R.txt");

Note the leading slash when calling Class.getResource instead of ClassLoader.getResource; Class.getResource is relative to the package containing the class unless you have a leading slash, whereas ClassLoader.getResource is always absolute.

Solution 2:

Apparently your JAR is not loaded by the system classloader, so getSystemResource() can't work. This should work:


IMO more convenient is putting resources inside the same package as the classes that use them, so you can use the shorter


(or, inside that class just getClass().getResource("R.txt"))

Solution 3:

Does ClassLoader.getResource() work ? At the moment you're simply specifying that the system classloader is to be used.