Backup Photos using Google Photo Desktop Uploader

I wasn't sure if this was possible, but I'm please to report that it is, and I'm going to use it myself. The trick is to understand that Photos Library.photoslibrary is a Package File that Google Photos Backup doesn't know how to see inside. However, Finder does. So, right click on Photos Library.photoslibrary (normally inside your Pictures folder) and select Show Package Contents. All of your pictures are inside of Masters, organized by date added (however note that any edits you made in Apple Photos are not included; these are the original images).

Now, run Google Photos Backup and click Add to select the folder. Drag the Masters folder into the File Dialog:

Dragging Master folder to Google Add Watched Folders

Now click Choose, and you've succeeded in getting the Google Photos Backup to look inside the Apple Photo package. You may want to unclick the other watched folders, since Apple Photo should already be importing all images.

I just figured this out, so I'll update if I find any downsides. Since Google Photos is completely free for the High Quality images (as opposed to Original resolution), it will be interesting to compare the two services.

To make sure "Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/Masters/" stays permanently in the list of folders, you must remove "Pictures/" from the list.

I found Google Photos Backup rejects folders contained in folders already in the list; since "Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/Masters/" is inside "Pictures/"... you get the ... picture.