Not able to type in textfield in iphone simulator using Mac Keyboard?

Solution 1:

Found a great solution that worked for me.
Open simulator, then find menu Hardware -> Keyboard has three options:

  1. iOS uses same layout as OS X : This option disables the Mac keyboard
  2. Connect Hardware Keyboard : This option enables Mac keyboard but the keyboard will not show up.
  3. Toggle Software keyboard : This option will allow you type using your Mac keypad and will show the iOS on screen keyboard as well.

Solution 2:

In Xcode 9 I faced the same problem with the iPhone 8+ simulator. I was able to solve it this way:

  1. Open ~/Library/Preferences/ file
  2. Find the problematic simulator identifier (shown in the Devices and Simulator window)
  3. Set CaptureKeyboardInput value to YES
  4. Restart the Simulator

Solution 3:

From Simulator menu >> Hardware >> Keyboard >> Connect Hardware keyboard


just press ⌘ + ⌂ + K

Solution 4:

Before you start typing (when the on-screen keyboard shows up), press just the command key by itself and then release it. This should re-enable the keyboard in the simulator.

Solution 5:

Launch iOS Simulator and enable Hardware > Keyboard > Connect Hardware Keyboard.

(You might have accidentally disabled it by pressing CMD + SHIFT + K - same shortcut as Clean in Xcode)