Did 12.04 just add multi-touch gesture support mid-release?

I thought that was a little odd myself. I did some digging and it looks like the upstream project was renamed.

  • utouch-geis
  • utouch-frame
  • utouch-grail

are now:

  • geis
  • frame
  • grail

(See bugs 1029482 and 1029643)

This update reflects the rename along with some bug fixes:


Version: 2.2.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 2012-09-10 15:06:58 UTC
  frame (2.2.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * Update debian/watch file for project rename 
  * New upstream microrelease, bug fixes only 
    - Compile fixes when compiled with clang 
    - Accept/reject owned touches that have already ended (lp: #1025297) 
    - Rename project to "Frame" 
    - Remove ChangeLog 
  * Removed frame v1 symbols 
    - Renamed libframe1 package to libframe6 due to SONAME bump 
  * Fix Multi_arch typo in debian/control, should be Multi-Arch 
  * Rename package and update packaging (lp: #1029482) 
    - Added Conflicts and Replaces clauses for libframe-dev and frame-tools 
  * Remove no longer necessary build depends on mtdev and evemu 
    - Added 01-remove-mtdev-dependency.patch and 
    - Run autoreconf to regenerate Makefile.in files 
 -- Francis Ginther <email address hidden> Thu, 30 Aug 2012 10:51:55 -0500

1025297 Can't accept owned touch that has ended.
1029482 [Needs-Packaging] frame (renamed from utouch-frame)


Version:   2012-09-13 23:06:56 UTC
  geis ( precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release. Only change is the following bug fix: 
    - Fixes regression that caused GEISv1 clients, such as Unity, to not work 
      (LP: #1047596)

1047596 Geisv1 gesture class IDs are wrong


Version: 3.0.6-0ubuntu0.12.04.01    2012-09-13 23:06:56 UTC
  grail (3.0.6-0ubuntu0.12.04.01) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * Update debian/watch file for project rename 
  * New upstream microrelease, bug fixes only 
    - Fix documentation of UGSubscriptionPropertyTapThreshold 
    - Properly process gestures that end before composition time (LP: #1020315) 
    - Don't expand gestures that have physically ended already (LP: #1023397) 
    - Correct behaviour when a touch ends before ownership is gained 
      for it (LP: #1026962) 
    - Fix include path for correct compilation of some tests 
    - Rename project to "Grail" 
    - Remove ChangeLog 
  * Removed grail v2 symbols 
    - Renamed libgrail1 package to libgrail5 due to SONAME bump 
  * Rename package and update packaging (lp: #1029643) 
    - Added Conflicts and Replaces clauses for libgrail-dev and grail-tools 
  * Remove no longer necessary build depends on mtdev and evemu 
    - Added 01-remove-mtdev-dependency.patch and 
 -- Francis Ginther <email address hidden> Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:18:32 -0500

1020315 quick, single-finger, taps not correctly processed
1023397 grail creates two identical gestures under certain circustances
1026962 grail doesn't work properly if ownership comes for touch whose end is pending
1029643 [Needs-Packaging] grail (renamed from utouch-grail)