I'm trying to adjust minecraft to run smoothly on my acer aspire, but now I've got the video settings all messed up.

I'm trying to adjust minecraft to run smoothly on my acer aspire, but now I've got the video settings all messed up. I want to uninstall minecraft and start from scratch, but it's not on my list of programs to uninstall. How do I start from scratch?

Solution 1:

You don't need to uninstall minecraft to reset your video settings. Here's how to do it.

On Windows:

  1. From the Start Menu, select Run... (or press Windows key+R)
  2. Enter %APPDATA%\.minecraft and press OK
  3. Locate the file options.txt and delete it. If you have optifine installed, delete ofoptions.txt too.
  4. Start your minecraft app. All settings will be back to the default.

On a Mac:

  1. Go to your Finder
  2. From the Go menu up at the top, click Go to Folder... (Shift+Command+G)
  3. Enter the following and click OK: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
  4. Delete options.txt and ofoptions.txt (if you have optifine)
  5. Start your minecraft app. All settings will be back to the default.

Note: On a Mac, you have to do exactly as I say in step 3 because the folder is hidden. You can't browse to it from the finder unless you have hidden files turned off.

Solution 2:

Minecraft is located in your appdata folder in a .minecraft folder,

On windows it's as easy as going to %APPDATA%\.minecraft and deleting what you need from there. You won't need to delete the saves folder if you want to keep your worlds