Using cProfile results with KCacheGrind

Solution 1:

With cProfile you can also profile existing programs, without making any separate profiling script. Just run program with profiler

python -m cProfile -o profile_data.pyprof

and open profile data in kcachegrind with pyprof2calltree, whose -k switch automatically opens data in kcachegrind

pyprof2calltree -i profile_data.pyprof -k

For example profiling whole paster server and webapp would be done like this

python -m cProfile -o pyprof.out `which paster` serve development.ini

pyprof2calltree can be installed with easy_install.

Solution 2:

You could use profilestats.profile decorator ($ pip install profilestats) -- a simple wrapper for pyprof2calltree module (rebranding of

from profilestats import profile

def func():
    # do something here

Script can be run as usual. profilestats creates two files: cachegrind.out.profilestats and in KCachegrind-compatible and cProfile formats correspondingly.