Synonym for mechanical pencil

I'm a non-native english speaker (from Brazil). I'm looking for the most common day-to-day word for the stationery device called "mechanical pencil".

Indeed, while "mechanical pencil" seems to be the most commonly used word for that device, at least in US, I've also found the words "propelling pencil", for UK and "pacer", for Australia.

I'd rather stick with mechanical pencil, but this word seems awkward, comparing to the brazilian word for this object (something like "penciler").

So, is there any simpler or most-commonly used word for that, or can I really stick to mechanical pencil without any further concerns?

Commonly (in the US), people don't distinguish between a mechanical pencil and simply "pencil". The full phrase is usually only used when the speaker needs to unambiguously refer to a mechanical pencil (rather than a wooden one): "Have you seen my mechanical pencil?"

No, in India, we call it as clutch pencil.

I live in Australia, and we call them pacers here. It's common in day to day usage - "have you seen my pacer?" or "can I borrow a pacer?" is a very common phrase you might hear in the classroom, for example. A pacer makes that distinction between a wooden and a mechanical pencil. Generally though, people ask to borrow a pencil, and sometimes the person lending you the pencil will give you the option as to whether you want a mechanical or normal pencil.

I personally really like the word 'pacer' - it's short, and can be tossed around like the word 'pencil'. Australians like to abbreviate everything, really, so 'pacer' is a whole lot nicer than saying 'mechanical pencil' or any other name with two words. Haha.

The British art-supply web site, Jackson's gives

Clutch pencil, lead holder, mechanical pencil, draughting pencil, automatic pencil, technical pencil, refillable pencil and propelling pencil are just some of the many names given to a spring-loaded or twist-fed holder with a drawing lead that extends as the lead is used up.

And thereafter goes into some detail.