Output path is shared between the same module error

When I try to compile any class in my project I get the error below:

Error scala: Output path .../eval/target/test-classes is shared between: Module 'eval' tests, Module 'eval' tests
      Output path .../eval/target/classes is shared between: Module 'eval' production, Module 'eval' production
      Please configure separate output paths to proceed with the compilation.

I've seen how to set the output path in IDEA and I've done it. But as the error claims that it is shared between the same module I couldn't solve it.

Obs.: Using Maven and IntelliJ IDEA.

Please, can anyone help?

Solution 1:

all you need to do is:

  • synchronize both modules (right click > Synchronize)
  • re-import pom.xml for both modules (right click > Maven > Re Import)


Solution 2:

Set up the output paths for your modules to different directories, as explained here: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/configuring-module-compiler-output.html

On Project "Open Module Settings" -> Modules -> Paths -> Output/Test path

Solution 3:

I resolved this by selecting "Inherit project compile output path" in the Project Structure settings window.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

  1. Files --> Invalidate caches and restart
  2. Close intellij
  3. delete (extenrally from intellij) .idea folder (backup runConfigurations folder if you have one).
  4. delete the project.iml file
  5. Open intellij
  6. Open the project again from pom or from sbt (or whatever source build tool you have.

Solution 5:

I had this happen with the root module in a multi-module project. Since the root module was just a placeholder, it didn't actually contain any code, but IDEA still complained that it was sharing an output path ([project]/build) between test and production.

The fix was to add

plugins {
  id "java"

at the top of the root build.gradle file (applying the otherwise unnecessary Java plugin) and reimporting the project. This allowed IDEA to pick up the Java-default [project]/build/classes/main and [project]/build/classes/test output directories.