Magic Mouse battery level broken in Lion?

After upgrading to Lion my Magic Mouse's level indicator seems to be broken.

For the whole week it was reporting solid 100% on a pair of used batteries that were about 65% before upgrading. I swapped the batteries naively hoping it'll change anything and it actually did. It's now solid 95%!

Screens from both system preferences and Bluetooth icon in the menu bar:

mouse battery level in prefsmouse battery level in Bluetooth

What's interesting, iStat Pro dashboard widget seems to be reporting a correct level:

mouse battery level in iStat Pro

Has anyone noticed such a problem? Or maybe even found a solution to it?

Solution 1:

You are not the only one. Mine says the same - 100%. This is a bug. The terminal command for querying the battery percentage (probably what iStat Pro uses) reports: "BatteryPercent" = 82

For bluetooth mouse:

ioreg -n "BNBMouseDevice" | grep -i "batterypercent"

For Apple bluetooth keyboard:

ioreg -n "AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard" | grep -i "batterypercent"

I've posted this in the Apple Bug reporter. Hopefully it will be fixed in an future Lion update.

Here is another thread discussing the same issue.