Calling another different view from the controller using ASP.NET MVC 4

I have a view (Index.cshtml) with a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, it calls an action (Action01) within the controller (TestController.cs) so at the end of the action I want to return to the caller (Index.cshtml) view with a custom view model as a parameter. How do I do this?

Results after first attempt using View("ViewName",model):

An error is raised, as the action is within the controller Test, so returning, it is searching for \Views\Tests\Index, and my Index page is in \Views\Home\Index.

The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:


Final solution:

I have used return View("ViewName", model), and I have changed my directories structure as it was the problem.

Solution 1:

You can directly return a different view like:

return View("NameOfView", Model);

Or you can make a partial view and can return like:

return PartialView("PartialViewName", Model);

Solution 2:

To return a different view, you can specify the name of the view you want to return and model as follows:

return View("ViewName", yourModel);

if the view is in different folder under Views folder then use below absolute path:

return View("~/Views/FolderName/ViewName.aspx");