Does the word "bless" apply only to God? For example, can a human bless anything (such as "bless the day")? Or can only God bless?

Note, I am asking about the usage of the word "bless", and not about religion.

Is there a definition of the word bless that describes an accepted usage of the word in a secular way?

Solution 1:

Firstly, "bless" does indeed have a secular meaning, like many words borrowed from theological practices. As a programmer sometimes one program will "bless" a component or another program, so that the system knows going forward the blessed program is special in some way. Perhaps if there are conflicting instructions, only the blessed one should be listened to.

Priests often say "I bless you in the name of the Father..." which I will assert from an English language standpoint means the priest is doing the blessing, not God. For a theological standpoint, please consult your local priest.

The point is, of course it's a fluid word like any in English. And yes, it certainly makes sense for any entity with agency to bless anything else. The listener or reader does not need to be specifically knowledgeable of the secular usage to draw the proper metaphor and understand the blessed thing is now special, by declaration, on the authority of some shared belief in a higher power (whether it's the law, a computer system, or God.)

Solution 2:

The OED gives very extensive treatment to the verb 'bless'. I think that its meaning 7 is perhaps relevant to this question. Note that whilst it was 'originally said of God; in later use also of men and things'. In addition to the below the OED also mentions the popular saying about 'having a penny to bless oneself with', referring to a cross on an old silver penny. But I think meaning 7 is interesting. I have significantly edited the vast list of examples:

7. a. To confer well-being upon; ‘to make happy; to prosper, make successful’ (Johnson). Originally said of God; in later use also of men and things, but generally with an implication of their conferring instrumentally a divine blessing. (Here the association of bless with bliss becomes apparent.)

1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Matrimonie f. xvi*, Looke, O Lord, mercifully vpon them from heauen, and blesse them. 1600 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice iv. i. 183 It [sc. mercy] is twice blest, it blesseth him that giues, and him that takes. 1850 T. T. Lynch Memorials Theophilus Trinal v. 88 To say that good gives pleasure seems poor expression of the truth that it blesses us.

b. To make happy with some gift: orig. of God as the giver; also of persons or things. (In the first example, blitsian may be really = bliðsian (in bliss n.).)

1600 B. Jonson Every Man out of his Humor ii. iii. 70 She was blest with no more Copie of wit. 1606 Returne from Pernassus ii. v. sig. D2, I will blesse your eares with a very pretty story. 1649 R. Baxter Saints Everlasting Rest (new ed.) iii. i. 266, I should..return him hearty thanks upon my knees, that ever he blessed his Word in my mouth with such desired success. 1712 J. Arbuthnot John Bull in his Senses iv. 15 Mrs. Bull..bless'd John with three daughters.

Therefore, in summary it does appear that a human being and an inanimate thing can 'bless' as subject of the verb, though usually with a suggestion, sometimes express sometimes implied, of the blessing being of divine origin