Navigating through code with keyboard shortcuts [closed]

I'm starting to feel the need to run fastly through code with keyboard shortcuts, to arrive faster where I want to make any changes (avoiding use of mouse or long times holding , , and ).

I'm already using some:

  • Home - first position in current line

  • End - last position in current line

  • Ctrl + Home - first line of the entire code

  • Ctrl + End - last line of the entire code

  • Page Up - same vertical position, one screen above

  • Page Down - same vertical position, one screen below

  • Ctrl + Page Up - first line in current screen

  • Ctrl + Page Down - last line in current screen

  • Ctrl + / - skipping word per word

What have you got ?

I use Visual Studio. (but I'm open to any answer, as I maybe can use others soon)

obs: I've searched through stackoverflow and didn't find a nice question with this content, nor a list of keyboard code searching. If it's repeated, I'm sorry for not finding it, I'm here in my best intentions.

This question is NOT about any shortcuts, and not only about visual studio, it's about running through code with shortcuts.

Answers that suit the question so far:

  • Ctrl + - - jumps to last cursor position

  • Ctrl + Shift + - - jumps to next cursor position

  • Ctrl + F3 - Jumps to next occurance of the word the curson is in

  • Shift + F3 - Same as the above, backwards.

  • F12 - Goes to definition of method/variable the cursor is in

  • Ctrl + ] - Jumps to matching brace and select

I'll ad more as there are answers.

For Visual Studio, Ctrl + - is priceless (jump to last position).

I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio, and also a lot of Alt-key menu navigation.

Ctrl / Shift F3 to repeat search, search backwards

Ctrl F3 to search for the current word.

F12 to jump to the definition of the current word.

Ctrl F to open the search window

Ctrl ] to jump to a matching brace

Shift Ctrl ] to jump to a matching brace and select

I also find I tend to use the ALT-key to navigate the menus. Because you can see the underlines, it makes it easy to learn. example: Alt-E F I (Edit/Find and Replace/Find in Files) takes you to Find in Files. Alt-L then takes you to the scoping drop down. 3 arrow keys takes it to Find in Solution, or 4 takes it to Find in Project.

There's also the bookmarking shortcuts- CTRL K K to toggle a bookmark, CTRL K L to clear them all, CTRL K N for the next and CTRL K P for the previous.

Some of the people I work with really like regions, but I don't, so CTRL M L opens all the regions up. However, I do like to use CTRL M M to collapse a section of code. It's really handy to collapse the current method, select the collapsed method and copy the whole thing to the clipboard. CTRL M O will collapse everything to definitions, which occasionally is nice.

Ctrl + F3 to find the next occurrence of whatever word your cursor is inside of. So if you clicked on the first instance of the word 'occurrence' in my post and pressed Ctrl + F3, it would take you down to the second one.