Setting dynamic scope variables in AngularJs - scope.<some_string>

Solution 1:

The solution I have found is to use $parse.

"Converts Angular expression into a function."

If anyone has a better one please add a new answer to the question!

Here is the example:

var the_string = 'life.meaning';

// Get the model
var model = $parse(the_string);

// Assigns a value to it
model.assign($scope, 42);

// Apply it to the scope
// $scope.$apply(); <- According to comments, this is no longer needed

console.log($;  // logs 42

Solution 2:

Using Erik's answer, as a starting point. I found a simpler solution that worked for me.

In my ng-click function I have:

var the_string = 'lifeMeaning';
if ($scope[the_string] === undefined) {
   //Valid in my application for first usage
   $scope[the_string] = true;
} else {
   $scope[the_string] = !$scope[the_string];

I've tested it with and without $scope.$apply. Works correctly without it!

Solution 3:

Create Dynamic angular variables from results

angular.forEach(results, function (value, key) {          
  if (key != null) {                       
    $parse(key).assign($scope, value);                                

ps. don't forget to pass in the $parse attribute into your controller's function

Solution 4:

If you are ok with using Lodash, you can do the thing you wanted in one line using _.set():

_.set(object, path, value) Sets the property value of path on object. If a portion of path does not exist it’s created.

So your example would simply be: _.set($scope, the_string, something);

Solution 5:

Just to add into alread given answers, the following worked for me:


<div id="div{{$index+1}}" data-ng-show="val{{$index}}">

Where $index is the loop index.

Javascript (where value is the passed parameter to the function and it will be the value of $index, current loop index):

var variable = "val"+value;
if ($scope[variable] === undefined)
    $scope[variable] = true;
}else {
    $scope[variable] = !$scope[variable];