Prove that the equation $12x^2-y^2 = 1$ has no integer solutions

Work modulo $3$. The congruence $y^2\equiv -1\pmod{3}$ does not have a solution.

But you have a choice, you can also work modulo $4$. For any square is congruent to $0$ or $1$ modulo $4$.

Massive overkill: from the theory of Pell equations it is known that for any integer $D>0$ that is not a square, the equation $$ x^2-D y^2 = -1 $$ has a solution (hence infinite solutions) or not, depending on the length of the period of the continued fraction of $\sqrt{D}$. Since $$ \sqrt{12}=[3;\overline{2,6}] $$ the original equation $12x^2-y^2=1$ has no integer solutions.
Anyway, that is trivial $\!\!\pmod{3}$ or $\!\!\pmod{4}$.

I'll try to explain the idea of André's answer in a simple manner.

Note that if we divide any integer by $3$ there are only $3$ possibilities:

  1. We get a remainder of $0$
  2. We get a "remainder" of $1$ or $-2$
  3. We get a "remainder" of $2$ or $-1$

Hence any integer can be represented as one of the following:




Where $k$ is an integer

As a side note, using this, if we compute:


By setting $n=3k+0,3k+1,3k+2$ we will notice that any perfect square can only have remainder $0$ or $1$ when divided by $3$.

Now going back to the equation you are interested in:


Set $x=3k+z$ and $y=3u+z$ where $z$ is $0$, $1$ or $2$ and $k$ is any integer:


This is equivalently:




The right hand side must only have remainder $1$ or $2$ when divided by $3$ (this holds for all integers $z$ from our calculation of $n^2$ but for simplicity just take our original $z=0,1,2$).

The left hand side on the other hand is divisible by $3$ and thus must have remainder $0$ when divided by $3$.

Thus we conclude that they can't possible be equal for integers $x$ and $y$ because they give different remainders when divided by $3$.