Mounting multiple volumes on a docker container?

I know I can mount a directory in my host on my container using something like

docker run -t -i -v '/on/my/host:/on/the/container' ubuntu /bin/bash

Is there a way to create more than one host-container pair? e.g. a comma-separated list, or pass in an array?

Pass multiple -v arguments.

For instance:

docker -v /on/my/host/1:/on/the/container/1 \
       -v /on/my/host/2:/on/the/container/2 \

Docker now recommends migrating towards using --mount.

Multiple volume mounts are also explained in detail in the current Docker documentation.


$ docker run -d \
  -it \
  --name devtest \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app2,readonly,bind-propagation=rslave \

Original older answer should still work; just trying to keep the answer aligned to current best known method.

You can use -v option multiple times in docker run command to mount multiple directory in container:

docker run -t -i \
  -v '/on/my/host/test1:/on/the/container/test1' \
  -v '/on/my/host/test2:/on/the/container/test2' \
  ubuntu /bin/bash

You can have Read only or Read and Write only on the volume

docker -v /on/my/host/1:/on/the/container/1:ro \

docker -v /on/my/host/2:/on/the/container/2:rw \